A very young girl smiling and standing outside on grass. She's wearing a denim jumper dress and a pink bow in her hair.

Staff Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this employee satisfaction survey so we can understand how we are doing with supporting our team and with our efforts towards DEIB. Please answer honestly and include comments to explain your ratings when possible, especially if you choose “Unsatisfied” or “Very Unsatisfied”. We want to learn from this so we can continue improving. Thanks!
How satisfied are you with Family Law CASA as a place to work?
I know what is expected of me at FLC
I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right
At FLC, I have the opportunity to use my strengths most days
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work
My supervisor, or someone at FLC, seems to care about me as a person
My supervisor and the leadership encourage my development
At FLC, my opinions seem to count
The mission of FLC makes me feel my job is important
My fellow employees are committed to doing quality work towards our mission
In the last six months, my supervisor has talked to me about my progress towards my goals
This last year, I have had opportunities at FLC to learn and grow
At FLC, I am treated with acceptance and respect
At FLC, I feel like I can show up as my authentic self
At FLC, I feel a sense of inclusion and belonging