We rely on fundraising efforts to ensure that we are able to help Family Law CASA kids. We thank our volunteers and the community that keep the program strong. Won’t you join us?
Annual Spring Luncheon
Each year, hundreds of local, like-minded professionals start their day with a luncheon to support the goal of giving every child caught in a high risk custody battle a chance for a safe, stable and healthy future.
House Parties
This year we are planning smaller hosted house parties where Family Law CASA guests can gather in more intimate settings. Please contact if you would be interested in hosting an event.
Friends of CASA
A special Friends of CASA event was held in the fall of 2022 to celebrate 20 years of helping CASA kids. We are so thankful for our generous advocates, founders, donors, and sponsors dedicated to making such a positive impact in our community. Here’s hoping the next 20 years brightens many more children’s lives.