Mental Health Evaluation, Assessment and Counseling Services
Finding a counseling and/or mental health service that is right for you is important. Resources listed on our website are for the purpose of empowering you to find the service that works best for your individual situation, whether services are self-chosen or ordered by a court.
Remember that these emotional issues are impacted by legal factors. If at all possible, talk with a lawyer of your own so you know what options you have and can have your case ready for court.
Help is just a call away.
If you or someone you care about is suicidal, abusing alcohol or drugs, or in some other kind of emotional crisis, caring people in your community are ready to listen—and to help. Dial any of these numbers, and someone will answer and assist you in finding the help you need.
- 24-Hour Crisis Line
(24/7) - King County 2-1-1
Dial 2-1-1
(M–F 8am–6pm) - WA Recovery Help Line
(24/7) - Teen Link
(Evenings 6–10pm)
Mental Health & Wellness Guide for Public Service Professionals
Atlantic Street Center

Phone: (206) 329-2050
Email: acsinfo@atlanticstreet.org
Website: www.atlanticstreetcenter.org
Cost: free with Medicaid and for Medicaid eligible. Sliding scale available. No private insurance.
Additional information: Our participants face a wide variety of personal, emotional, and financial challenges. Because no one solution will work for everybody, we tailor our services to meet the needs of each family. Together, case managers and therapists provide and coordinate a comprehensive set of services that helps each child and family face their challenges head-on.
Nexus Youth & Families (formerly Auburn Youth Resources)
Phone: (253) 939-2202
Email: info@nexus4kids.org
Website: nexus4kids.org
Cost: AYR has a sliding fee schedule for those who do not have Medicaid or private insurance coverage.
Additional Information: Professional registered or licensed counselors provide individual, family, and group counseling at our agency and in clients’ homes to meet the needs of children and their families. Common problems addressed include family conflict, suicide, depression, anger and impulse control, teen pregnancy, sexual and physical abuse, school problems, court-referred counseling, and communication problems.
Camp Mariposa
Phone: (425) 349-8153
Email: campmariposa@compass.org
Website: http://www.compasshealth.org/services/camp-mariposa/
Cost: Free
Additional Information: Camp Mariposa is a free, weekend overnight camp for 9-12 year olds that are affected by addiction in their family. Camp programs are offered multiple times a year at Camp Killoqua in Everett and led by mental health and chemical dependency professionals who provide educational and therapeutic support services in a fun, traditional camp setting.
Catholic Community Services
Phone: (253) 850-2500
Email: info@ccsww.org or ccskingcountyinfo@ccsww.org
Website: Ccsww.org
Cost: Accepts Medicaid, some help for non-Medicaid individuals as well
Additional Information: Our skilled team, which includes therapists, a child psychiatrist, and support staff, offers assessment and individual service planning, case management, psychiatric services, mental health counseling, and parenting classes. In addition, 24/7 crisis response is available for all of our enrolled clients. We strive to provide care that is strengths-based, family driven, and culturally relevant.
Center for Human Services (CHS)
Phone: (206) 362-7282
Email: admin@chs-nw.org
Website: www.chs-nw.org
Cost: Sliding fee scale. CHS accepts medical coupons and most insurance, including ProviderOne and medical coupons. Approved provider for Medicaid/Apple Health and some other insurances. Funding eligibility will be determined when screened for services.
Additional Information: Our Mental Health Counseling Program provides mental health services to children, youth, and families, in individual, family and community settings. We utilize a strengths-based, family-centered approach and an array of strategies to support our clients in achieving their goals. We collaborate with important people in clients’ lives (family members, teachers, case workers, doctors, friends) in order to strengthen support that “wraps around” the client and fosters long term success. Some of our therapy clients receive psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring on-site. Our therapists employ a number of approaches with children, including Play Therapy. Play therapy is a developmentally appropriate research-based method for treating children.
Coastal Treatment Services
Phone: (425) 646-4406
Email: alexf@coastaltreatment.com or info@coastaltreatment.com
Website: www.coastaltreatment.com
Cost: Accepts all major medical insurance; no sliding scale.
Additional Information: Services are for couples, children, and families. Services available to address mental health disorders including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and other issues negatively impacting your quality of life including both long and short-term therapies. We offer consultation and assessment sessions to evaluate your unique situation. We also provide referral and treatment planning and two-year Deferred Prosecution Treatment Program for Mental Health services.
Community Psychiatric Clinic / Sound Health
Phone: 206-302-2300
Email: admissionsvm@sound.health
Website: https://www.sound.health/
Cost: Offers services on a sliding fee scale and accepts insurance.
Additional Information: Our caring and trained clinicians provide thorough assessments, individual therapy, parent support, family therapy, skill building groups, and case management services. Our Child & Family services are designed to help youth and their families recognize and build upon their strengths to achieve emotional and behavioral stability. Psychiatric evaluations and medication management are available. CPC’s Child and Family team works to coordinate our services with other systems families may be involved with, including schools, child welfare, foster care, court and probation, chemical dependency providers, and others.
Information: 206-461-4880
After Hours/Weekend Crisis: 206-461-3222
Domestic Violence (Spanish): 888-847-7205
Email: Contact form on website
Website: https://consejocounseling.org/
Cost: Call and ask about sliding scale fee and/or free services
Additional Information: Mental health counseling for adults and children including those who speak only Spanish. To set up sessions, call and ask for intake. At Consejo we strive to ensure our clients are in full control of every aspect of their lives. Our Outpatient Mental Health Program assists adult, adolescent, children, and families to identify concerns and problem areas in their lives that need change. Our mission is to provide a continuum of behavioral health, substance abuse and domestic violence services including prevention, treatment and housing to individuals and families across Washington utilizing an interdependent treatment model so clients experience acceptance, emotional security and developmental growth while learning new skills to improve the quality of their lives. Consejo’s service delivery empowers clients to participate in their communities at their highest level of functioning.
Friends of Youth
Phone: (425) 869-6490
24 Hour Hotline: 206-236-KIDS
Email: info@friendsofyouth.org
Website: www.friendsofyouth.org
Cost: Fees determined according to family size and income. Accepts Medicaid and private insurance.
Additional Information: Friends of Youth provides counseling to youth and their families in Issaquah, Snoqualmie and Duvall. Additionally, Friends of Youth has partnered with local school districts to provide some counseling and support for youth in their schools. Our services include individual and/or family therapy, depending on the needs of the youth. Counselors are experienced in dealing with many issues including: behavior problems, school difficulties, depression and anxiety, victims of sexual and/or physical abuse, post traumatic stress, anger and conflict management, divorce and blended family challenges, and illness and death of loved ones.
Jewish Family Services
Phone: (206)461-3240 (intake and assessment specialist)
Email: counseling@jfsseattle.org
Website: www.jfsseattle.org
Cost: Sliding scale for self-paying clients. Accepts some private insurances.
Additional Information: Counseling at Jewish Family Service focuses on recovery and healing for people with mental health challenges, physical or social stressors, addiction and past or current trauma. Through individual and/or group therapy, counselors help to address mental health symptoms, build skills around managing emotions and develop pathways toward resiliency. We assist members of the Jewish community, as well as people in the general community impacted by trauma, poverty and disability. Counseling services provided for individuals, in groups, and for addiction.
Kent Youth and Family Services
Phone: (253) 859-0300
E-mail: info@kyfs.org
Website: www.kyfs.org
Cost: Sliding scale fee depending on income; accepts Medicaid, medical coupons, and most insurance.
Additional Information: The Youth and Family Counseling Program provides professional therapeutic services to children, youth, and their families. We serve ages Infant to 25 years old and their families. Through individual, family and group sessions youth and families learn healthier ways to manage emotions, conflict and mental health challenges thereby allowing them to function better across environments. The therapeutic services also help individuals learn how to cope with such issues as childhood trauma, family stressors, peer pressure, academic struggles and relationship issues. All therapists strive to provide services that meet the needs of individuals and families in a compassionate, supportive and culturally sensitive manner.
Mercer Island Youth and Family Services
Phone: (206) 275-7657
Email: miyfs@mercergov.org
Website: http://www.mercergov.org/SectionIndex.asp?SectionID=45
Cost: Provides a sliding fee scale if needed
Additional Information: Services are provided only to Mercer Island residents. Services are provided to people of all ages. Individual, couples, and family services. There is a brief consultation and then either short term or long term therapy. Multiple programs offered. Works with clients on family conflict, marriage/relationship issues, divorce, parenting skills, adolescent issues, school/work concerns, behavior problems, grief/loss, abuse, self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and other emotional concerns.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)-Greater Seattle
Phone: 206-789-7722
Helpline: 206-783-9264
Email: info@namiseattle.org or helpline@namiseattle.org
Website: http://www.nami-greaterseattle.org/
Cost: Free
Additional Information: NAMI offers support groups for individuals with mental illness and their families, a resource and referral helpline, and Family to Family and Peer to Peer classes. Support groups are available at a number of locations across Washington state.
Navos (formerly Highline West Seattle Mental Health)
Phone: (206) 248-8226
Email: contact form on website
Website: www.navos.org
Cost: Varies. Reduced fees available depending on income.
Additional Information: Navos provides outpatient and inpatient services for adults and children with mental illnesses. Special programs treatment for co-occurring disorders, counseling, and psychiatric care, and a group for 13-21-year-old LGBTQ+ youth and allies. Our mission is to transform the quality of life for people vulnerable to mental illness and substance use disorders by providing a broad continuum of care. We believe that diversity, inclusion and equity are vital to living our values and achieving our mission. That translates to dozens of innovative varieties of treatment, healing and support for a diverse range of King County residents, many of whom live in poverty, most because of their mental illness or substance use disorder. It means care for adults. Care for kids. Care for the homeless, for those traumatized by violence, and for those whose mental illness or addiction has robbed them of the promise of a full life.
Northshore Youth and Family Services
Phone: (425) 485-6541
E-mail: info@northshoreyouthandfamilyservices.org
Website: http://www.northshoreyouthandfamilyservices.org/index.html
Cost: Sliding fee scale based on income and family size; accepts medical coupons from clients of King County; regular rate $100 per session.
Additional Information: There is an intake and client set up process. Services are for people of all ages, and for couples, marriage, and parenting issues. we are dedicated to providing professional, affordable, and culturally appropriate counseling services for individuals, couples, families and at-risk youth.
PTSD: Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs
Phone: (360) 725-2200
Toll free: 1-800-562-0132
TDD: (360)725-2199
24 Hour Veterans Affairs Crisis Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Email: peters@dva.wa.gov
Website: https://www.dva.wa.gov/veterans-their-families/counseling-and-wellness/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd
Cost: FREE services to honorably discharged war affected veterans and family members
Additional information: Offers treatment for war trauma to veterans and family members. Occasionally this includes parents of deployed or returned soldiers. Offers individual, couples, family, and group counseling. Call or see website for locations and hours.
Refugee Women’s Alliance (REWA)
Phone: (206) 721-0243
Counseling referrals: 253-204-4705
Program Director: 253-204-4705
Email: Molly@ReWA.org (re. behavioral health program)
Website: www.rewa.org
Cost: ask about sliding scale and/or free services
Additional Information: REWA provides legal and community advocates for refugee women, men and children. Operates in King and Snohomish Counties. Other offices in South King County, Kent, and Beacon Hill, and Bellevue. Call or see website for locations. Many refugees and immigrants suffer from stress, depression, and anxiety associated with displacement that often remains untreated for long periods of time. Our bilingual and bicultural staff serves low-income clients with intensive health-related case management services. Services in Arabic, Nepali, Russian, Somali, Burmese, and Ukrainian.
RAYS: Renton Area Youth and Family Services
Phone: (425) 271-5600
Family Center: 206-772-2050
Email: contact form on website
Website: www.rays.org
Cost: sliding scale
Additional Information: Our highly-trained counselors offer a range of therapeutic services to children and teens who are struggling with issues including Anxiety, Depression, Abuse, Trauma, Grief, Neglect, and many other challenges. Our programs are affordable and are offered at little-to-no cost to all of our families. We meet our clients where they are; in their schools, their homes and in the community. Serves Renton, Skyway, and Tukwila areas.
Sea Mar Community Health Center: Behavioral Health
Phone: (206) 766-6976
Email: click the contact tab on their website
Website: http://www.seamar.org/services-bh.htmlCost: Sliding fee scale; accepts DSHS medical coupons, private insurance and private pay
Additional Information: Child, family, adult, individual and group counseling. We serve clients of any age, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation and regardless of income, occupation, gender, immigration status, or citizenship status. Many of our staff speak more than one language, helping us better serve diverse communities. Our team of mental health therapists, chemical dependency counselors, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioners, and psychiatrists specialize in providing culturally competent services. Our staff receive in-depth training on evidence-based practices to ensure we provide the best tools to help our clients lead healthy lives.
Sound Mental Health (Formerly Seattle Mental Health)
Phone: (206)901-2000
Toll Free: (800)828-1449
TTY: (206)455-7929
For admissions to counseling: (206)302-2300
Email: admissionsvm@sound.health (re. services); housing@sound.health (re. housing)
Website: sound.health
Cost: Sound Mental Health is an approved provider for Medicaid, Medicare and most
commercial health plans. Check to see if you qualify for Medicaid or Medicare if you do not have current insurance.
Additional Information: Sound Counseling Services provides comprehensive recovery-oriented outpatient counseling and case management for King County residents experiencing current mental health symptoms, including specialized programs for adults, children and families, older adults, individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, ethnic/cultural minorities, the developmentally disabled, and criminal or juvenile justice involved adults and youth.
Southeast Youth and Family Services
Phone: (206) 721-5542
Email: info@seyfs.org
Website: www.seyfs.org
Cost: Sliding fee scale; accepts medical coupons
Additional Information: Services are for youth of any age 2 up to 20 and their families who work, reside or attend school in King County. Individual counseling, family counseling and mental health services are offered in this program. Sessions are structured to address problems including family conflict, offensive behavior, physical/sexual/emotional abuse, suicidal thoughts/threats, depression, school problems, teen pregnancy and parenting, drug and alcohol abuse and related problems, peer difficulties, unemployment, and self-esteem related issues. Counseling can be provided at the agency, at school, at the client’s home, or other agreed upon locations. Advocacy on behalf of the youth with schools, legal entities, DSHS and other service systems is provided as needed. Referrals and crisis intervention is also provided as needed.
Southwest Youth and Family Services
Phone: (206) 937-7680
E-mail: info@swyfs.org
Website: www.swyfs.org
Cost: Sliding fee scale; accepts medical coupons and insurance
Additional Information: Clients need to make a request for counseling and then set up an intake appointment before starting counseling. Services are for both children and adults, and are offered in both English and Spanish. Counselors are matched based upon the clients’ culture, language, gender, and other factors so that there are no barriers between the counselor and client.
Therapeutic Health Services
Main Phone: (206) 723-1980
Email: contact form on website
Website: www.ths-wa.org/
Cost: Sliding fee scale based on income; accepts private insurance and Medicaid, medical coupons
Additional Information: Participants work with their counselors to create an individualized treatment plan and make their own on-going treatment decisions. Mental Health Recovery embraces all aspects of life including: housing, employment, education, mental health treatment, health care, substance use treatment, spirituality, creativity, social networks, community participation, and family supports. THS mental health services include counseling, community support services, medication management and crisis management. Participants in our mental health program are offered recovery education, vocational training and employment, opportunities for community involvement, enrichment activities, peer support, and referrals to self-help groups and other community resources.
Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation
Main Phone: (253) 833-7444
TTY: (800)833-6384
E-mail: access@valleycities.org
Website: www.valleycities.org
Cost: Sliding fee scale depending upon availability. Accepts Medicaid, can take Medicare or insurance as long as it is supplemented by Medicaid. Regular rates $150 intake; $115 per session.
Additional Information: Individual mental health counseling for adults, children, adolescents and families. Clients need to call and have a phone screening to set up intake appointment.
Vashon Youth and Family Services
Phone: (206) 463-5511
Email: info@vyfs.org
Website: www.vyfs.org
Cost: Accepts Apple Health and Medicaid; call and ask about other providers
Additional Information: The Vashon Youth & Family Services Outpatient Program is a comprehensive mental health center providing a wide array of services to King County residents. The goal of our counseling program is to increase stability and coping skills for individuals, families, youth and children. We address emotional challenges, behavioral problems, anxiety and depression, suicidal thoughts and threats, school problems, peer difficulties, trauma recovery, family conflict, self-esteem issues, abuse issues and other mental health issues. Your treatment may include psychoeducation, case management services, group therapy, individual psychotherapy, family therapy, play therapy, art therapy, psychiatric evaluation, and medication monitoring. All staff providing direct services are registered, certified or licensed with the State of Washington. Counseling can be provided at the agency, schools, client homes, or other agreed on locations. Referrals, crisis intervention and advocacy with other service systems are provided as needed.
Youth Eastside Services (YES)
Phone: (425) 747-4937Email: info@youtheastsideservices.org
Website: www.youtheastsideservices.org
Cost: Sliding scale that goes to zero.Accepts insurance, Medicaid/medical coupons.
Additional Information: Our highly trained clinical team specializes in providing age-appropriate mental health services to youth ages birth to 22 and their families. We offer specialized programs for cultural, ethnic and sexual minorities; youth with disabilities; and youth involved with the juvenile justice system. We treat a wide range of issues, including trauma, grief, anxiety, depression and more using evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing and others.
Phone: (206) 694-4500
Email: projectSAFE@youthcare.org
Website: www.youthcare.org
Cost: Free consultation and many free services for at-risk youth available
Additional Information: Provides multiple programs aimed at helping youth at risk of homelessness and their families. Includes case management and an emphasis on building relationships between the youth and adults in their life to ensure their safety and wellbeing.
If you are in crisis, please call one of the following services for help:
24-Hour Crisis Line 866-4-CRISIS (866-427-4747)
King County 2-1-1: Dial 2-1-1 or 800-621-4636 (M–F 8am–6pm)
24-Hour WA Recovery Help Line 866-789-1511
Teen Link 866-833-6546 (Evenings 6–10pm)
Family Law CASA does not endorse any organization listed; the information is simply provided to assist those seeking resources. These lists may not be complete and do not include those in private practice. Suggestions for additional resources to be listed are welcome.