Information About Drugs and Alcohol
Many people use alcohol, prescription drugs, recreational drugs and illegal drugs. Some people abuse them. Some become dependent. And some become addicted. The following links are provided to help you learn more about drugs and alcohol, as well as services available to address substance abuse, dependence and/or addiction.
General Information About Drug Addiction
General Information About Alcohol Abuse
Signs and Symptoms of Addiction to Drugs or Alcohol
Alcoholics Anonymous (enter zip code for meetings near you)
Narcotics Anonymous (follow prompts to find meetings near you)
Al-Anon/Alateen (follow prompts to find meetings near you)
Supporting Children of People With Alcohol Use Disorder
Treating PTSD In Addiction Recovery: Treatment Options And Resources
If you are in crisis, please call one of the following services for help:
24-Hour Crisis Line 866-4-CRISIS (866-427-4747)
King County 2-1-1: Dial 2-1-1 or 800-621-4636 (M–F 8am–6pm)
24-Hour WA Recovery Help Line 866-789-1511
Teen Link 866-833-6546 (Evenings 6–10pm)
Family Law CASA does not endorse any organization listed; the information is simply provided to assist those seeking resources. These lists may not be complete and do not include those in private practice. Suggestions for additional resources to be listed are welcome.